Something I sometimes feel
That pushes me from inside!
I can feel that
It doesn't like to let me stay static
As if it whispers in my ears, "Move advance."
Then I talk to myself why should I have to?
One day I consoled myself figuring out a better cause--
Doing something good to others
And running after the unknown and the mystery gives me pleasure!
World may be nihilistic;
There may not be any purpose or objectivity;
There may not be any centre;
everything may be valueless.
But I don't love to be motionless:
I instinctively love to go to unknown places.
The sight and sound of the earth please my eyes and ears;
Its breeze simply calms me;
Its vast horizon calls me to embrace;
I do so and fuel myself!
Yes, I wouldn't mind to listen some narratives,
What they call meta-narratives!
But haven't these narratives made the earth functional?
I also wouldn't mind to try to make narrative/s
If they can give our living a created meaning.