Once there was a shepherd who lived in a remote village. There was a big open field near a vast forest where he used to take a herd of sheep to graze. 

The shepherd was a liar. He used to make fun by telling lies. One day he shouted, "Tiger! Tiger! Help Me! Help me!" Hearing his screaming, the villagers rushed to the field to help the shepherd, but they didn't find any tiger. They just found the shepherd laughing at them. He proudly told them,  "How intelligent I am! I've befooled you!", They felt completely disturbed and told him not to do it again. 

A few days later, he did the same cunning act. The villagers again came to rescue him, but they, again, found no tiger. Laughing loudly at the villagers, the boy told, "I just made fun." He also told them, "You all are too foolish to understand my trick." The villagers became too angry to stop their warning of his cunning act, "you can make such fun again, but we'll not come to rescue you that time."

One day a tiger really came and attacked his herd of sheep, and he found no way except climbing a tree to save himself. Sitting on a branch of a tree he shouted loudly for help. But nobody came to rescue him that time. Alas! the tiger killed some of his sheep. He climbed down the tree after the tiger had left the place. Now, he realized that if he did not tell lie to the villagers, the villagers would come to rescue him. He understood that the tiger would kill him too. 

"I'll never tell lies to anybody", he promised himself. He went to the villagers and begged their pardon for telling lies to them. "I'll never make fun by telling lies", he promised the villagers. In return, the villagers became happy with his words and forgave him.  

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