The pie chart provides information percentage-wise about the different types of vehicles one thousand students of a college use to come to their college. Overall, among the five types of vehicles such as buses, motorcycles, cars, rickshaws, autorickshaws, and walking, a significant number of students use buses to reach their college, and the least number of them go to the college by autorickshaws.

According to the chart, 28% of students use buses as their means of transport. The percentage of students who reach college by motorcycle is 17% which is the second highest. Cars and rickshaws contribute equally making up 30% of the total students. Then comes autorickshaw which covers 14% of the students. It is the fourth-highest in percentage. Finally, the least number of students come to the college on foot. It accounts for only 11%. Thus, the chart shows that about one-third of students come to college by their own means of transportation. It also means that about two-thirds of students are to depend on public transport, be it buses,  autorickshaws, or rickshaws. 

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Note: Information taken in the chart is imaginary


sanjeet asghar said…
it was beautiful, my life has never been the same :D
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