activity 5.3.1

Understanding the writing techniques for problem-solution text involves several key components. Let's break down the note provided:


Key Components of Problem-Solution Text


1. Problem Description: 

Initial Step: The writer begins by describing or discussing a problem. This step is crucial as it sets the stage for the reader to understand the issue at hand.

Engagement: It is important to convince the reader to care about the problem. This can be achieved through compelling details, statistics, or examples that highlight the severity or relevance of the problem.


2. Solution Suggestion:

Proposal: The text should then move on to suggesting one or several well-explained solutions. Each solution needs to be clear, practical, and directly related to the problem discussed. 2

Balance: There should be an equal focus on both the problem and the solution to ensure the text is balanced and comprehensive.


Structure of Problem-Solution Text


1. Introduction:

Paraphrase the Problem: Begin by restating the problem in different words to ensure understanding.

Key Cause and Solution: Introduce one key cause of the problem and hint at a related solution, setting the stage for the detailed discussion to follow.


2. Main Body Paragraph 1 - Cause:

Topic Sentence: Start with a sentence that states the cause of the problem.

 Explanation: Elaborate on the causes, providing detailed explanations and insights.

 Example: Include an example to illustrate the cause, making it more tangible for the reader.


3. Main Body Paragraph 2 - Solution:

Topic Sentence: Begin with a sentence that states the proposed solution.

Explanation: Explain how the solution addresses the problem, offering detailed reasoning and benefits.

Example: Provide an example to demonstrate how the solution can be effective, adding credibility and practical context.


4. Conclusion:

Summary: Conclude by summarizing the key points discussed in the text, reinforcing the problem and the proposed solutions.

Group Discussion

In pairs or groups, discuss:

How the introduction should hook the reader and provide a clear paraphrase of the problem.

  • The importance of clearly stating and explaining causes and solutions in separate paragraphs.
  • The role of examples in making the text more relatable and convincing.
  • The necessity of a strong conclusion to reinforce the discussed points and leave a lasting impression.


Class Sharing

When sharing with the class, ensure:

  • Each group highlights the importance of engaging the reader early on.
  • Discuss different techniques for explaining causes and solutions.
  • Share examples from your discussions to illustrate how the structure can be effectively utilized.
  • Emphasize the need for a balanced focus on both the problem and the solution for a well-rounded text.

This methodical technique guarantees efficacy and clarity in problem-solution texts, strengthening the writer's arguments and supporting the suggested answers.

For better understanding let’s write a problem-solution essay following this 4 steps structure.

Suppose, our question is ‘Students are losing interest in attending school.’- what do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest? Before writing the essay, let’s follow these three steps to plan your essay:

a) Analyze the question: This is an important step in the planning the writing. Here, we need to read the question carefully and identify the topic words, other keywords and finally the instruction words in the question to be focused on what the question asks us to write. The topic words are what the question is about. We will find it in the statement part of the question. In this question, Students are losing interest in attending school. - what do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest? the topic words are ‘losing interest’ because the question is about this topic. Then, the other keywords in the question are students and attending school

and we must write about them in the essay. Next, if we analyze the instruction words we will find out that we have to write the causes and solutions of the problem, that is, ‘why students are losing interest in attending school’. So, analyzing all these three things will help our essay to be relevant and linked to the question.

b) Generate ideas: Now, we have to generate some ideas to write our essay. One way we can do this is by simply asking ourselves the causes of the problem that instantly comes to mind. And write down all the possible solutions to the causes. For example, if we think about the causes and the solutions to the problem, ‘Why students are losing interest in attending school’ they may be-

Cases of losing interest


Lowest teacher-

student ratio

Increasing student’s participation in the classroom

activities by using pair/group works

Long hour classes

Arranging co-curricular activities like games, drawing,

recitation etc.

Fear of failure

Motivating students to accept failure in a positive way

We’re almost ready to start writing our problem-solution essay but first, we have one more task to do and that is-

c) Identify vocabulary: Now, let’s quickly jot down some vocabulary that comes to our mind as we have already found the causes, and their solutions we will write about. This strategy will save us from having to stop and think of the appropriate language while we write. For example:

For this particular problem-solving essay some vocabularies are:

  1. Lack of motivation
  2. Unsuccessful
  3. Attractive activities
  4. Participation
  5. Attention

Now, it is time to write the first paragraph, which is the ‘Introduction’ of the essay!

The introduction:

First, let’s paraphrase the question within 2-3 sentences and then, state one key cause and related solution. The first paragraph may look as follows:

‘One of the problems facing our school is that students are losing interest in attending school. The main reason for this is the lowest teacher-student ratio. In a class, on average, there are 60-80 students. So, it’s not possible for a teacher to give attention and listen to all of their problems in the class and a possible solution is to engage students in the classroom activities by using pair/ group works.’

Now, it’s time to write the ‘Main body paragraph 1- Cause’. Don’t worry, it will be a very easy task for you as you have already identified the causes. So, let’s start writing!

First, you have to start with a topic sentence. The topic sentence summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. It acts like a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about. We will start with the cause of the problem first.

Topic sentence- One of the main causes of losing interest in attending school is the lowest teacher-student ratio.

Now, we must write an explanation sentence that develops the idea.

The explanation sentence may be ‘Bangladesh is a populous country and we get a reflection of it in our classroom. In a classroom, there are 60-80 students on average. For a teacher, it is almost impossible to listen to everyone’s problems. Besides, it is known that every student is unique, and so are their problems. As a result, students become frustrated and do not get the motivation to attend school regularly.

Finally, let’s add an example to support our cause. An example may be- ‘We have a large class of 70. Every day, I come to school earlier to sit on the front bench because, from the back, I cannot listen to my teachers clearly. When I sit in the back, sometimes I request teachers to be a little louder and sometimes my teacher comes close to me to help me with understanding. But, we are 70 and one teacher cannot help everyone with their diverse problems. It’s a huge problem that needs to be solved.

So, we have completed writing all the three parts of our first main body paragraph. Now, let’s have a look at the finished paragraph!

One of the problems facing our school is that students are losing interest in attending school. The main reason for this is the lowest teacher-student ratio. In a class, on average, there are 60-80 students. So, it’s not possible for a teacher to give attention and listen to all of their problems in the class and a possible solution is to engage students in the classroom activities by using pair/group works. Bangladesh is a populous country and we get a reflection of it in our classroom. In a classroom, there are 60-80 students on average. For a teacher, it is almost impossible to listen to everyone’s problems. Besides, it is known that every student is unique, and so are their problems. As a result, students become frustrated and do not get the motivation to attend school regularly. We have a large class of 70. Every day, I come to school earlier to sit on the front bench because, from the back, I cannot listen to my teachers clearly. When I sit in the back, sometimes I request teachers to be a little louder and sometimes my teacher comes close to me to help me with understanding. But, we are 70 and one teacher cannot help everyone with their diverse problems. It’s a huge problem that needs to be solved. Expressing a Solution to a Problem

Now, it’s your turn to write the main body paragraph 2- solution following the same process. First, write the topic sentence to summarize the main idea of the paragraph.

Your topic sentence (The solution) ____________________________________

Now, add sentences to explain your idea _______________________________

Next, add an example to support your idea _____________________________

Finally, add the 3 parts and you will get your finished second main body paragraph.

Now, write your finished paragraph __________________________________



We are at the end of our problem-solution essay. It’s time to conclude our essay with a conclusion. The conclusion is the summary of the main points in our essay. We can never introduce any new ideas here. So, start writing the conclusion! You may start with a phrase like ‘in conclusion’ or ‘to conclude’ or in your own way. Then, summarize the main ideas into one sentence.

Your answer _____________________________________________________



That’s it. We have completed our essay. Now, put together all four paragraphs and share the essay with the class.

Here is the complete essay:

Problem-Solution Essay: Students Losing Interest in Attending School


One of the problems facing our school is that students are losing interest in attending school. The main reason for this is the lowest teacher-student ratio. In a class, on average, there are 60-80 students. So, it’s not possible for a teacher to give attention and listen to all of their problems in the class, and a possible solution is to engage students in classroom activities by using pair/group works.

Main Body Paragraph 1: Cause

One of the main causes of losing interest in attending school is the lowest teacher-student ratio. Bangladesh is a populous country, and we get a reflection of it in our classroom. In a classroom, there are 60-80 students on average. For a teacher, it is almost impossible to listen to everyone’s problems. Besides, it is known that every student is unique, and so are their problems. As a result, students become frustrated and do not get the motivation to attend school regularly. We have a large class of 70. Every day, I come to school earlier to sit on the front bench because, from the back, I cannot listen to my teachers clearly. When I sit in the back, sometimes I request teachers to be a little louder, and sometimes my teacher comes close to me to help me understand. But, we are 70, and one teacher cannot help everyone with their diverse problems. It’s a huge problem that needs to be solved.

Main Body Paragraph 2: Solution

Using peer tutoring programs and teaching assistants is an efficient way to solve the problem of children losing interest in school as a result of the low teacher-student ratio. Teachers can get more assistance in running the classroom and giving each student individualized attention by bringing in teaching assistants. Peer tutoring programs also allow students to assist one another, creating a cooperative learning atmosphere that is advantageous to all parties involved. For example, a teaching assistant could go around the classroom answering questions from the 70-student class while the primary teacher teaches the material. To further reinforce comprehension, students should work in pairs to solve issues and have discussions. This way, the students who pick up the topic faster can help their friends.


In conclusion, the low teacher-student ratio—which makes it challenging for teachers to meet the requirements of each individual student—is the primary reason why pupils are losing interest in going to school. Through the implementation of strategies like peer tutoring programs and teaching assistants, schools may establish a more encouraging and productive learning atmosphere. In addition to helping teachers oversee large classrooms, this strategy encourages peer support among students, which in turn raises their motivation and level of engagement in the classroom.

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