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Egypt may be the land of pyramids, but she is a country that has so much more to offer in terms of history, culture and stunning architecture. The ancient Egyptians who constructed these famous pyramids approximately 4,500 years ago gave us a firsthand look at the impressive building and religious capabilities of their civilization. Served as the burials of Pharaohs during the Old Kingdom, regarded to be part-deities who would ascend afterlife into divinity. The 480-foot-tall Pyramid of Khufu shows his strength. Khafre's pyramid with the Sphinx next to it, and Menkaure's smaller one speak additionally of this amazing civilization. In addition to Giza, Egypt has the temples of Luxor and Karnak, the Valley of Kings, and bustling Cairo. Every site gives you a peek back into the civilization that has mesmerized the planet for millennia. Egypt is a testimony to the enduring appeal of its past and Egypt history itself holds promise with respect to ancient culture.

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