A Disposition

If I were a child, I’d spend my days,
Immersed in science fiction’s wondrous maze.
Exploring the future, space, and time,
Where endless possibilities inspire my mind.

I’d spend hours in labs with experiments near,
Learning how chemicals mix and appear.
I’d study the stars, the earth, and the seas,
Fascinated by nature’s intricate mysteries.

I’d make time to run, to jump, and to play,
For exercise keeps the body strong each day.
I’d stretch my muscles, breathe fresh air,
Caring for my health with discipline and care.

By the riverbank, I’d wander alone,
Reflecting on the calm, the quiet tone.
I’d listen to birds, the rustling leaves,
Feeling peace in nature, where the soul believes.

I’d have deep conversations with those I admire,
Teachers and mentors who spark my fire.
We’d talk about dreams, about wisdom and truth,
Each discussion enriching my heart and my youth.

I’d stay far away from anger or blame,
Never making anyone feel lesser or shame.
Empathy and kindness would be my guide,
Building others up, not wounding their pride.

Jealousy, envy, I’d cast them aside,
Prideful feelings I’d never abide.
Instead, I’d choose to offer peace and care,
So joy and harmony could fill the air.

With no quarrels, grudges, or fights to bear,
I’d live each moment with love to share.
I’d focus on growth, on laughter, and fun,
Appreciating life’s gifts, one by one.

This is how I’d live and thrive,
With a healthy body and a mind alive.
Each day would be a new, fresh start,
With a peaceful mind and an open heart!

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