Listening Skills Rubric
listening rubric
Category 4 - Excellent 3 - Proficient 2 - Developing 1 - Needs Improvement
Comprehension Fully understands spoken content; can accurately recall details and infer meanings. Understands most content; can recall key points with minimal errors. Understands basic content; struggles to recall details or infer meaning. Limited understanding; fails to grasp key points or make inferences.
Attention and Focus Maintains full focus throughout the listening task. Focuses well, with minor distractions. Easily distracted, but can refocus with effort. Frequently distracted, struggles to maintain focus.
Critical Listening Analyzes and evaluates information, drawing conclusions from context. Shows some analysis, with logical conclusions from the listening. Limited critical analysis, may make incorrect assumptions. No analysis, takes content at face value without reflection.
Interpretation of Tone/Emotion Accurately interprets the speaker’s tone and emotion. Interprets tone and emotion correctly most of the time. Occasionally misinterprets tone and emotion. Struggles to interpret tone or emotion, often misses cues.
Response Appropriateness Responds appropriately to content with insightful comments or questions. Responds appropriately, with relevant comments or questions. Responds, but with limited insight or relevance to content. Responses are irrelevant or inappropriate to the context.
Recall Can recall most details from the listening with full accuracy. Can recall many key details, with minor omissions. Recalls limited details, with frequent omissions. Struggles to recall details from the listening task.

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