Presentation Rubric
presentation rubric
Category Excellent (2) Good (1.5) Needs Improvement (1) Poor (0)
Thorough, accurate, and well-researched; clearly addresses all aspects of the topic. Generally accurate and addresses most aspects of the topic. Content is somewhat unclear or incomplete. Content is unclear, incorrect, or incomplete.
Category Excellent (3) Good (2) Needs Improvement (1) Poor (0)
Clear, confident, and engaging delivery; excellent eye contact and vocal clarity. Delivery is clear but may lack full confidence or engagement. Delivery is unclear or lacks confidence; minimal eye contact or engagement. Delivery is confusing or disorganized, with poor eye contact and vocal clarity.
Category Excellent (2) Good (1) Needs Improvement (0.5) Poor (0)
Visuals are clear, professional, and enhance the presentation's content. Visuals are clear but may not fully support the content. Visuals are unclear, unprofessional, or only somewhat relevant. Visuals are missing or do not contribute to the presentation.
Category Excellent (2) Good (1.5) Needs Improvement (1) Poor (0)
Highly engaging; interacts with the audience effectively and keeps their attention throughout. Engages the audience but with some lapses in attention or interaction. Audience engagement is minimal or inconsistent. Fails to engage the audience or maintain their attention.
Category Excellent (1) Good (0.5) Needs Improvement (0) Poor (0)
Presentation fits perfectly within the allotted time. Presentation is slightly over or under the allotted time. Presentation significantly exceeds or is too short. Presentation is extremely over or under the allotted time.

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