Reading Skills Rubric
reading rubric
Category Excellent
Needs Improvement
Comprehension Thorough understanding; can infer and summarize key ideas. Understands most; summarizes main ideas with minimal inference. Struggles with key ideas and making inferences. Limited understanding; cannot summarize key ideas.
Fluency Reads smoothly with correct pace and expression. Minor hesitations, mostly accurate expression. Frequent pauses or errors in pace and intonation. Slow with frequent errors, lacks expression.
Vocabulary Uses wide vocabulary; explains the text effectively. Understands most words, uses context for unfamiliar words. Struggles with several words, needs assistance. Cannot comprehend key vocabulary.
Critical Thinking Analyzes text deeply, insightful responses. Relevant, logical responses with some analysis. Limited analysis; responses may be incomplete. No analysis, responses off-topic.
Text Connections Meaningful connections to personal experience or other texts. Makes some connections to other knowledge areas. Struggles to make connections, needs prompting. Cannot make connections without guidance.
Attention to Detail Explains small details and subtleties in text. Identifies most key details, with minor omissions. Misses important details or subtleties. Ignores important details.
Engagement with Text Fully engaged, asks questions, makes predictions. Moderately engaged, shows interest, makes predictions. Limited engagement, rarely asks questions. No engagement with text.
Note: A C2 student takes 2-3 minutes to read 300 words, C1 takes 3-4 minutes, B2 takes 5-7 minutes, B1 takes 8-10 minutes, A2 takes 12-14 minutes, and A1 takes 15-20 minutes.

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