Rubrics for Paragraph Writing
Category 4 3 2 1
Title, Topic Sentence, and Concluding Sentence Title, topic sentence, and concluding sentence are written properly. The title clearly reflects the main idea, the topic sentence introduces the subject effectively, and the concluding sentence wraps up the paragraph cohesively. Title is acceptable, but the topic sentence and concluding sentence are not entirely clear with their purposes. They may introduce the subject or conclude the paragraph but lack precision or focus. Title is adequate, but both the topic sentence and concluding sentence are unclear in their purposes and may not effectively introduce or conclude the paragraph. Additionally, the text contains errors in grammar or mechanics that hinder understanding. One of these key components (title, topic sentence, or concluding sentence) is missing entirely, making it difficult to follow the overall structure and logic of the paragraph.
Category 6 4 3 2
Body Ideas are expressed in a clear and organized fashion. The structure makes it easy to figure out what the paragraph is about. Cohesive devices (like transition words or phrases) are used properly, ensuring a smooth flow between sentences. Ideas are expressed in a relatively clear manner, though the organization could have been improved. Cohesive devices are used correctly, but the flow between ideas may feel somewhat forced or disconnected. Ideas are somewhat organized, but they are not very clear. It takes more than one reading to figure out the purpose or main point of the paragraph. Cohesive devices may be used but are not consistently effective. The paragraph appears to be a collection of unrelated sentences. There is little to no flow, making it very difficult to figure out what it is about. Cohesive devices are either missing or incorrectly used, causing confusion.

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