Story Writing Rubric
Story Writing Rubric
Category Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1)
Plot and Structure
Clear, well-organized, with a compelling beginning, middle, and end. Plot is engaging and well-developed. Organized with a clear structure, though some areas may need more development. The plot is mostly engaging. The story has a basic structure but lacks coherence or clarity in parts. The plot is underdeveloped or predictable. The structure is unclear or incomplete, making the plot difficult to follow. Minimal plot development.
Creativity and Originality
Extremely creative and original. The story offers fresh perspectives, unique ideas, and imaginative elements. Some creativity and original elements, though they may be more conventional. Shows a good effort to bring new ideas. The story shows little creativity or originality, relying on common or predictable ideas. Lacks creativity and originality, relying heavily on clichés or unimaginative ideas.
Character Development
Characters are fully developed, with distinct personalities, motivations, and growth throughout the story. Characters are mostly developed, with some depth, but may lack significant growth or complexity. Characters are present but lack depth or development. Their motivations and actions may feel unclear. Characters are underdeveloped, with little to no depth. Their actions and motivations are hard to understand.
Setting and Description
Vivid descriptions that immerse the reader. The setting enhances the mood and context of the story. Good descriptions that provide a sense of place, though more detail or variety would strengthen the setting. Some basic description, but the setting is underdeveloped or lacks vividness. Minimal description, with little sense of place or context. The setting is vague or unclear.
Dialogue is natural, purposeful, and reveals character or advances the plot. Dialogue is mostly realistic and serves the story, though may occasionally be stiff or awkward. Dialogue is present but may feel unnatural or does not contribute much to character development or plot. Dialogue is awkward, unrealistic, or absent. It does not serve the story or characters well.
Grammar and Mechanics
Virtually no grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. Sentence structure is varied and enhances readability. Few errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling, with little impact on readability. Some grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors that may affect the flow of the story. Frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that significantly detract from the readability of the story.

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