how to describe a person

A person's description will be effectively carried out if one follows a few important steps. First, describe the physical appearance of: height, build, and hair. For example, one can describe tall, slim, muscular, curly, or straight hair.

Having painted a picture of their appearance, one proceeds to describe the person's positive characteristics. Bring forth the traits in a person that are admirable; this may include being kind, funny, honest, entertaining, considerate, straightforward, or dependable, etc.

After that, it is also relevant to describe their negative characteristics or where they tend to lack. This can be some negative adjectives such as forgetful, moody, selfish, grumpy, inconsiderate or unreliable at times, etc.

Finally, complete the description with a relation of the person: how long you have known them, where you met, and the nature of your connection-if you get along well due to shared interests or experiences.

This will guide you step by step through the process so that your description is complete and balanced, describing not only the physical characteristics of the character but also his or her personality.

Step One: Describing Appearance

The first thing many people notice about someone is their appearance. This includes aspects like height, build, and hair. Here is how to start:

Height and Build

When describing a person’s height and build, you can use simple adjectives or make the description more precise by adding adverbs:

Person Appearance More Description Examples
My cousin is tall and well-built. 1. My cousin is tall and has a strong, muscular frame.
2. My cousin is quite tall with a solid, well-built physique.
3. My cousin stands tall and has a sturdy, athletic build.
4. My cousin is of a tall height and has a muscular, robust body.
5. My cousin has a tall stature and a powerful, well-developed build.
My friend Jamal is medium height and slim. 1. My friend Jamal is of average height and slender build.
2. Jamal, my friend, is medium height and lean.
3. My friend Jamal has a slim figure and stands at medium height.
4. Jamal is slim and of moderate height.
5. My friend Jamal is of medium stature with a slim physique.
Kamal, who I work with, is short and overweight. 1. Kamal, my colleague, is short and on the heavier side.
2. Kamal, who I work with, has a short stature and is overweight.
3. My coworker Kamal is both short and a bit heavy.
4. Kamal, from my workplace, is shorter and carries extra weight.
5. Kamal, who I work with, is of short height and has a heavier build.

Notice how adding adverbs like quite, really, a little, slightly, somewhat, extremely, fairly, rather, incredibly, moderately, vaguely, noticeably,particularly makes the description more detailed. Have a look at therRevised examples:

Person Appearance More Description Examples
My cousin is tall and well-built. 1. My cousin is quite tall and has an extremely strong, muscular frame.
2. My cousin is really tall with a moderately well-built physique.
3. My cousin stands fairly tall and has a noticeably sturdy, athletic build.
4. My cousin is of a slightly tall height and has an incredibly muscular body.
5. My cousin has a rather tall stature and a fairly robust build.
My friend Jamal is medium height and slim. 1. My friend Jamal is of moderately average height and really slender build.
2. Jamal, my friend, is of medium height and somewhat lean.
3. My friend Jamal has a noticeably slim figure and stands at fairly medium height.
4. Jamal is quite slim and of slightly moderate height.
5. My friend Jamal is of particularly medium stature with a incredibly slim physique.
Kamal, who I work with, is short and overweight. 1. Kamal, my colleague, is somewhat short and a little on the heavier side.
2. Kamal, who I work with, has a vaguely short stature and is moderately overweight.
3. My coworker Kamal is extremely short and noticeably heavy.
4. Kamal, from my workplace, is fairly short and carries slightly extra weight.
5. Kamal, who I work with, is rather short and has an incredibly heavier build.

Hair is another noticeable feature that varies greatly. To describe someone's hair, focus on its length, color, and texture:

  • He has short, brown hair, but he is going bald fast.
  • She has long, dark blonde hair.
  • He has curly, fair hair.
  • His hair is wavy and black in color, but the sides are starting to wear gray hairs.
  • Her hair is straight, shoulder-length in size and decorated with auburn coloration that sparkles in the sunlight.
  • He has a head full of bushy dark brown hair but age is catching up with him as his hairline is gradually moving backwards.
  • Her hair is silky and falls past her shoulders in a beautiful shade of platinum blonde.
  • His hair is medium messy in a light brown color and curly towards the tips.
  • Her haircut is a perfect example of a short and curly red hair that goes well with the face.
  • His hair is thin, light sand color that is quite blond when illuminated.
  • She has very long hair that is straight black in color and reaches her waist.
  • He has a rough texture head of hair that is turning gray in color but has great volume nonetheless.
  • She has long thin and dark chestnut color hair which she has managed to keep in a big bun.

You can now combine these details into one cohesive description:

My cousin is quite tall and well-built. He has short, brown hair, but he is going bald fast.

Step Two: Describing Positive Characteristics

Once you've painted a physical picture, it's time to talk about the person’s personality. When describing positive traits, you can use adjectives such as:

Considerate, Warm, Funny
Entertaining, Reliable, Honest
Straightforward, Compassionate, Generous
Thoughtful, Supportive, Patient
Trustworthy, Empathetic, Optimistic
Charismatic, Humble, Loyal
Open-minded, Respectful, Diligent

Make sure that you add examples and reasons

You can provide examples of these traits in action to make the description more interesting:

  • My cousin is very funny. The other day, he joked at a family gathering, telling everyone the power went out because he "unplugged the sun." It took a moment for people to realize he was joking, but we all laughed a lot afterward!
  • My friend Nasima is a very cheerful person. Even early in the morning, she is always smiling and in a good mood. I do not know how she does it!

If possible, add a short anecdote or story to highlight the personality traits:

Kamal, who I work with, is such an honest guy. I remember one time he found a wallet with $500 in a pub. It would have been easy to keep the money—there was nothing in the wallet to say whose it was—but he said it wouldn't be right to keep it, and he insisted on taking it to the police station right away.

Step Three: Describing Negative Characteristics

Not everyone is perfect, so it’s also important to know how to describe negative characteristics. Some common negative adjectives are:

Unkind, Inconsiderate, Moody, Grumpy, Dishonest
Unreliable, Selfish, Arrogant, Rude, Impatient
Stubborn, Jealous, Manipulative, Lazy, Deceitful
Hypocritical, Aggressive, Narcissistic, Irresponsible, Judgmental
Insensitive, Greedy, Pessimistic, Vindictive, Cowardly
Overbearing, Indifferent

As with positive traits, it’s useful to add examples of these characteristics:

  • However, he can be a bit unreliable sometimes—one time, he promised to bring snacks for movie night but came with nothing because he got distracted by a YouTube video and forgot.
  • Nasima is great, but sometimes I feel she is a bit insincere. She says all these nice things, but I’m not sure she really means them.
  • My colleague Jamal is so moody. He’ll be fine one minute, then suddenly starts acting like he hates everyone. It makes him quite difficult to be around.

Part Four: Talking About Your Relationship

Once you’ve covered appearance and personality, you can talk about your relationship with the person. Here are some useful sentence starters:

  • We have known each other for_______________
  • We met_____________________
  • We get on really well because_____________________

I have known my friend Jamal for about five years. We met because we worked in the same place for a few months. We get on really well because we have a lot in common: we like the same films, the same music, and so on.

Part Five: Making a Longer Answer

Now that you’ve gathered all the details, you can combine everything into a longer, more detailed description. Here’s an example that ties together appearance, personality, and relationship:

Longer Answer:

My cousin is quite tall and well-built. He has short, brown hair, but he is going bald fast. He looks a bit like my grandfather. My cousin is very funny. The other day, he joked at a family gathering, telling everyone the power went out because he "unplugged the sun." It took a moment for people to realize he was joking, but we all laughed a lot afterward! However, he can be a bit unreliable sometimes—one time, he promised to bring snacks for movie night but came with nothing because he got distracted by a YouTube video and forgot.We get on really well because we have a lot in common: we like the same films, the same music, and so on.


Describe a person effectively by achieving a balance among physical appearance, personality traits, and the relation you share. Be it your friend, your family member, or your colleague, add peculiar details and personal stories to make the description vivid and engaging. Keep this in mind and follow the steps afterwards, and you will surely come up with rich and memorable descriptions of people around you.

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